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Mind Over Mountain - we need your help

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In September 2019 two adventurers will attempt to break a World Record by cycling at the highest elevation ever. In doing so they hope to change the perception of mental health, supporting charities Mind and Calm. There will be two other expeditions in the run-up; the first one in July 2018, to Mont Blanc, the second one to Kilimanjaro in February 2019.

Critical to raising awareness is the content you are able to put out and that's where I come in. I'm currently training to join them on their journey and document it through photography and film. My work will feature on Mind Over Mountain's social media channels and will be made available to the charities Mind and Calm and the press. Ultimately, we will produce a documentary about the expedition and the link between exercise, the outdoors and mental health with which we hope to reach a global audience.


In the run-up to the World Record attempt, Mind Over Mountain will publish a series of articles about mental health, the outdoors and exercise. When the guys succeed, they'll have the eyes of the world on them, which will give them a fantastic platform to make their case.

The website has been launched now and we're asking for support to raise the money to get the deposit in for the final expedition. There's a PayPal page where you can donate money. Please help us cycle where aeroplanes fly and higher than anyone ever to create maximum exposure for our cause.